We received this message on our website "contact" page.
"What an excellent and impressive website! So sophisticated yet simple at the same time. Not sure what compelled me, but I just wanted to check out some photos of Penelope Sudrow this morning. I think it had been in the back of my mind for the last year or so at least, ever since I re-bought Nightmare 3 around this time and rediscovered Sudrow. I was so impressed with her sweet and gorgeous looks that I had to wonder who this actress was. What a pleasant surprise to come across this website. Thanks for your excellent contribution, and, Penelope, a warm hello and best wishes to you. Thank you for gracing our movie and TV screens and dance floors! When I'm in LA again, I'll probably try to contact you haha. (You can't blame me for trying, right? haha Don't worry, I am not a celebrity worshipper by any stretch of the imagination. Very sorry about your recent losses.) Brilliant website."
Hello "everyone"...Just wanting to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This holiday season has been a hard one for me. I lost my mom Nov. of last year, my dad in' 06, and a partner I had for over 10, last year too. Life is very precious, and also, very fragile. The world seems to be going through so many trials right now, I just pray that good things happen for this place we all share in the coming days. Also, that "we" start treating each other better, treating each other Well, with concious, intentional love, repsect & compassion as much as we possibly can.
Take care, Love, Penelope. Hello "fans", romans and countrywomem...I mean, oh nevermind. Anyway, anyone out there ??? It's "me"!!! Penelope! Well, I hope so and I hope you are all doing well.
This is my first web-site ever & it is thanks to Michael Klug that it is here! :) Per his suggestion, I am entering my first "blog". I look forward to connecting with and hearing from good people, "my" fans and the fans of Nightmare. To you I say, you have been lights in my life many times, more than you know. Peace & Blessings...Happy Holidays..:)
Have you been wishing and hoping and praying (or in this case, dreaming) for a fantastic piece of horror film memorabilia?
Look no further! Your beloved "Dream Warrior", Ms. Penelope Sudrow (aka "Jennifer Caulfield") is now offering personalized autographs for sale! Check out THIS PAGE for all the options and goodies! Look forward to fulfilling your order and expanding your horror/autograph collection! It won't be complete without a little " THIS IS IT, JENNIFER. YOUR BIG BREAK IN TV!" Order now! --Michael (site administrator/designer) Hey Penelope followers! It's site administrator and designer Michael here...
Don't worry, it won't be long before Penelope herself makes some waves here on her new online home. We're just in the process of getting things up and moving! You won't have to hear from me forever! Just met up w/ Penelope today, and we have a few lovely announcements for all of you "Jennifer Caulfield" fanatics! 1.) She's now officially updated and ready to be "followed" on Twitter! Her call sign is @sudrowpenelope. Find her, follow her and spread the word! https://twitter.com/@sudrowpenelope 2.) Penelope also has a brand spanking new presence on Facebook! Check her out at https://www.facebook.com/officialpenelopesudrow. Be aware that there is a "People" page on Facebook claiming to be Penelope Sudrow (indeed, under that name). However, Penelope herself has tried to make all of her adoring fans aware that she has no claim to that page, no control over that page, and cannot answer any questions or friend requests there. So make sure you get on board w/ all of her "OFFICIAL" goodies, both here, on Facebook and with the good folks of Twitter! 3.) We are working out the kinks on her "autographs" page above, and will shortly have everything ready, so that you may begin ordering personalized photos from Ms. "Jennifer Caulfield". Won't be long before the grand opening commences! Stay tuned! (get it? it's a television reference) :) Best, Michael Site administrator and designer Michael here...
I'd like to formally welcome you to Penelope's brand new online home! We're gathering all of her past photos, videos and memorabilia and putting it all in this "one stop shop" for your convenience and pleasure! Please pardon our dust as we continue to build, change, update and beautify. Stay tuned, as soon you'll be able to order personalized autographs from "Ms. Jennifer Caulfield", as well as find out exactly what Penelope's been up to, and what she's got up her sleeve. --Michael K. |
Penelope SudrowKeep up to date on all that's going on with your beloved "Jennifer Caulfield"! Archives
June 2014